CitizenFlow™ Service Planner

Our free tool can help you streamline service delivery and boost user success

Public services online should be easy and accessible. Our CitizenAssist Multichannel™ chatbot arose from the need to streamline public services to better serve all residents in more flexible ways. It creates an omnichannel experience, where select site information is available not only via desktop and mobile but also via chatbots, SMS, and telephony services.

We combine this emerging AI technology with our content strategy and public-sector expertise to find thoughtful and data-backed ways to communicate with your residents. 

A graphic representing a chat bot

Whether you’re looking to implement a chatbot or make simple improvements to existing services, the first step is getting to the root needs and requirements: both your users’ and your own. Our free organizer captures the questions we ask at the start of any service reinvention and will help you dissect your service and identify the essential elements. This will give you the foundation for rebuilding a more accessible experience that supports widespread user success and streamlines your internal operations. 

Sign up below, and we’ll send you the tool. You can get started improving your services today!